Thursday, 15 December 2011

It might look wrong, but it's oh so right

 [WARNING. This Blog Post Contains Beans. If you are a Bean-o-phobe, step away from the computer. Dial for your local IT specialist and go out to buy a nice hot chocolate or serving of mashed potato. The beans will not follow you.]

Tonight’s dinner was Totally Siiiiick. Sick like ‘yeaah sic blud init whaaaa. F’real’, not sick like ‘Well That's Not Very Tasty’.

For some time now, I’ve been planning to have beans on toast. Any number of reasons for making such a plan, but in particular I thought it good to revisit that most archetypal of student foods, the humble bean. It has, as it happens, bean a long time since I’d opted the Big Bz n Tz. It hadn’t really tickled my fancy. I like to think it's because I'm more interested in seeking out meals that are easy but do require going that extra mile in their creation, just to make it all worth looking at, eating, thinking about pre and post the cooking event itself and, occasionally, writing about…

Ok then, I’ll admit it. I have bean a Baked Bean Snob. Time was I had beans on toast on the regular – it was a straightforward solution to lunch. Let it be(an) known, if you’ll grant me a digression, that I HATE lunch. It’s so awkward. Just when you’ve got into the swing of the day, along comes the social compulsion to luncheon, forcing you to stop, slave to our stomachs that we are, seek out, consume and in due course, turn away from the memory of something edible. It’s just rubbish – it can’t be too complicated to make nor be too heavy lest post-prandial somnolence ensue, thereby ending hope of all productivity for at least three hours. I resent the lunch hour as much as the lunch. You don’t have a chance to properly settle into the planning of lunch, nor enjoy the sinking satisfying feeling after its duly bean consumed, perhaps nursing a glass of something refreshing and stretching out one’s legs knowing there’s not really much else to be done with the day, as is the case with dinner (oh glorious dinner, second only to the indulgent breakfast/brunch of a workless weekend).

Ah yes. Dinner! It was, like, totes sick. I found myself getting more and more excited as it was be(an)ing cooked. These ideas started coming to me – like shooting stars from heaven - “No! Not just beans on toast. Beans, BACON and toast!”. The Devil is always in the detail. “Ha HA!” I thought “Butter AND marmite on the toast, phwooooarr”.

Beans, beans, how could I ever have doubted you? Your flavour is profound, your texture light, your appearance…. rather jolly. As a final crown to this sumptuous feast - cheese. But wait! Could I…? Might I…? Should I….?

Yes I did. I grated the cheese on top and then put the whole lot under the grill. Toasted cheese on top of baked beans, bacon and toast. This Is a Righteous Dinner.
 (Your mum is one of my five a day)

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